Deadly Darwin Goes Walkabout

13 September 2022

@ 19:00

- 20:30

Registrations for this event have closed.

We live in strange times. The world as we know it needs some love and happiness. Or at least four cheeky stand-up comics with a penchant for adventure (hitting the road to Katherine)…

The Deadly Darwin Mob are making their way across the Territory this September with a quick tour down the guts of the Territory with shows in Katherine, Tennant Creek and Alice Springs. You won’t want to miss them when they take the Godinymayin stage on Tuesday 13 September (get your tickets here and now)! Presented by Artback NT with support from Playing Australia and the NT Government, Deadly Darwin Goes Walkabout is coming to Katherine for one night only!

Deadly Darwin was established in 2018 with founding members Normie Grogan, Micha Kickett, Desmo Lewis and Richard Fejo, who decided to create the Darwin-based group of Indigenous stand-up comedians to use humour and the skills of stand-up performance as a tool of empowerment for Indigenous people.

“We believe laughter is the best medicine,” says Richie Harrison. “There is a lot of healing that needs to be undertaken today and we believe we are the ones to do it,” adds Richard Fejo.

At Godinymayin, Richard Fejo and Richie Harrison will be joined on stage by James Parfitt and Paul Seden, who will also perform their show, Deadly Darwin goes Walkabout at in Tennant Creek and Alice Springs.

Each show follows a free workshop, in which the men hope to use ” blak humour, to change blak minds,” according to Richard Fejo. To learn more about the Katherine comedy workshop with the Deadly Darwin Comedy mob, click here to send an email query

Each of the performers have a close association either personal or professional with the topic of mental health and are on a quest to utilse the tools of stand-up skills as life skills. The arts, comedy, and performance can be transformative, as well as fun. This deadly team of stand-up comedians are passionate about making a positive impact through humour—and we would love for you to join us as we welcome them to Godinymayin!

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