
Godinymayin has a range of opportunities available for volunteers with the diverse array of programming at the centre. Volunteering opportunities at the centre include:

  • Bartending and canteen duties
  • Cleaning
  • Retail
  • Gardening
  • Maintenance
  • Working bees
  • Barbecue and picnics
  • Lighting and visuals
  • Collection days

Volunteers at Godinymayin also have responsibilities and are required to:

  • acquaint themselves with the objectives and functions of Godinymayin and the service they are providing;
  • understand and acknowledge the relevant Godinymayin policies and procedures;
  • participate in the appropriate induction and training provided;
  • operate under the direction and supervision of Godinymayin staff or Board member to achieve the objectives required;
  • notify Godinymayin staff or Board member of any potentially hazardous situations to themselves or a third party; and
  • report any injury/damage to themselves or third party to their direct supervisor or a Godinymayin staff or Board member.

If you want to be generous and donate your time to Godinyamyin, please read the Volunteer handbook below and complete the application form.

Apply now

Please indicate which days and times you will be available to volunteer (Godinymayin staff will always confirm your availability prior to rostering you on to volunteer):