GYRACC Media Release

New Lunchtime Talk Series – NT artists tell their stories

Free lunchtime talk – Tuesday 19 February from 12.30 to 1.15pm

Katherine residents are being given the opportunity to attend a free lunchtime talk with artists Therese Ritchie and Danny Murphy at the Godinymayin Centre on Tuesday 19 February from 12.30 to 1.15pm.

The talk is in support of the current exhibition From the Collection which showcases the centre’s small but unique permanent collection.  Ritchie and Murphy will talk about their works on display, the inspiration they draw from the Territory and the challenges of working as an artist in the top end.

Therese Ritchie’s works often explore race, gender and ecology and draw heavily on her many experiences in the Northern Territory. Danny Murphy is a highly experienced ceramic artist who works from his studio here in Katherine. Works by Danny and Therese are held in major collections across Australia.

Director Poppy Searle explained “This talk is the first in a series we will be presenting this year.  We are encouraging people to bring their lunch along and enjoy our air conditioning while learning more about our local arts and culture.”

Bookings are not required, and all are welcome.

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